Sunday, January 1, 2012

A frustrated chef in the making

Since time immemorial I have always known that I love eating! No one in my family can argue about that because of the apparent physical evidence. :) When I was a child until mid college I was fat, let's just say "over healthy". I grew up feasting mom's home cooking and for me that was the best. I attended short baking and cooking courses because my love for food was simply insatiable. I have always followed cooking shows and admired show-off chefs! :D

I have lived in Finland for almost 3 years now. At the moment I am studying to become a cook, but I would say that becoming a pâtissière sounds more appealing to me.:) Here I have more time for kitchen trial and errors (though they don't come cheap! ) than when I was in the Philippines. I have had my fair share of unsuccessful attemptS resulting to countless frustrations and to the point of ALMOST giving up, but glad I never did. And so I went on because I knew this was something I really wanted. :)

I love reading food blogs, test their stuff and tweak the recipes to my own taste. I will be posting stuff I've made, will make or dare to make. I'm only a beginner and still have a lot to learn. I may not give you excellent photos since  I don't own a sophisticated DSLR cam and I don't think I will ever have one. It is way too much luxury for my liking and learning how to use it is another thing!LOL I simply trust the abilities of my point-and-shoot cam and of course the power of Photoshop! I might be posting a similar recipe from another blog but rest assured, I'll give the credits to them.

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